“A Souvenir is an item kept as a reminder of a place you have visited or an event you have been to”

Souvenirs are usually mass-produced merchandise or handy objects like customized T-shirts and hats, postcards, refrigerator magnets, miniature figures, household items: mugs, bowls, plates, spoons, notepads, and many others.

Choosing the right souvenir for your guests is just as crucial as picking an Aso-Ebi, deciding on food, decor, and vendors. It is a part of party planning that should be given the utmost attention because souvenirs are not just an item, they are kept to serve as a reminder and create lasting memories for you and your guests. Also, as an appreciation for their presence and for buying your Aso-Ebi.

Below are the top 4 things to consider when choosing a souvenir.

1. Your Guests:

Your guests are the recipient of your item. Consider the kind of guests you are expecting, their age range, and what could be useful to them.

For specific events like a kid’s birthday, a corporate event, you pick items that fit the age range of the guests.

For all-inclusive parties like a Child naming/dedication ceremony or a wedding, pick items useable for old and young adults. You can also make additional souvenir items for toddlers as toddlers attend almost every type of party with their parents.

2. Quality and Usability

While trying to cut costs or stay within budget, Sometimes the quality or usability of the item may not be very well considered but it is important to remember that Souvenirs are similar to gifts; when giving a gift, we try to get something of good quality which the recipient can use and value.

When choosing an item, ask yourself if it’s of decent quality and if it can be used to satisfaction.

3. Budget:

Choosing a souvenir is just as important as picking the Aso-Ebi, deciding on food, decor, etc, and one of the best ways to stay within your budget while choosing a Souvenir is to include it in the initial party plan.

Also, endeavor to order in large quantities at once, avoid buying in bits.

4. Choose souvenirs based on longevity

Souvenirs can help build enduring relationships, unlike a typical video ad which only lasts about 15 to 30 seconds before it’s gone. Clients can use items like pens and journals for up to six months; while tabletop calendars can last up to a year. You should choose items that are specific to your clients. And even if your recipient ends up not liking their souvenir, they might still re-gift them to their friends and family, stretching its lifespan even further.

5. Choose souvenirs based on exposure

Because event souvenirs are so enduring, they have the potential to influence almost all stages of your client’s decision-making process. For example, if your recipient places your promotional souvenir on their desk, it may remind them of your brand when making business decisions. Constant exposure to your logo can do wonders in helping turn a skeptic into a believer. Select souvenirs that clients will keep around their homes or workspaces. Consistency and proximity are key factors to a successful conversion.

6. Extra Extra Extra!

To simply put, if you are expecting 150 guests, order for more than 150 items. It’s always better to have excess than to have angry or disgruntled guests.

Make plans in advance for the D day by appointing a trusted person to take charge of the distribution and to ensure even distribution among guests

Promotional souvenirs are, in many ways, better than other more popular forms of marketing. Clients will never print out and frame a banner ad. It is also unlikely that they will record an advertising jingle and use it as their ringtone. On the other hand, clients sincerely enjoy keeping souvenirs around. This means that your brand can deliver long-lasting and recurring impressions that can turn new prospects into lifelong clients.